About Our Septic Inspections
Our Credentials
Envirotek Systems is licensed with the state of Missouri as an OWTS (onsite wastewater treatment system) Inspector, License # 50750. We also hold all licensing for counties that require their own licensing as well. Our knowledge of septic systems extends beyond just inspecting as we also hold an installer's certification as an Advanced OWTS Installer, License # 33649.
Our Service Area
We inspect septic systems throughout all of the Ozarks including Branson, Hollister, Forsyth, Branson West, Reeds Spring, Galena, Cape Fair, Kimberling City, Lampe, Table Rock Lake, Lake Taneycomo, Shell Knob, Nixa, Ozark, Rogersville, Republic and Springfield, MO. We service all areas in Stone, Taney, Greene, Christian, Barton, Dade, Webster, Douglas, Lawrence, Newton, McDonald, Barry and Ozark County.

Inspections We Perform
We offer septic inspections for real estate transactions and diagnosing repair related issues. Septic systems we inspect include conventional systems, drip systems, chamber systems, advanced treatment or aerobic treatment systems, recirculating sand filter systems, mound systems, cluster and decentralized community systems.
Inspection Resources
Here are some navigation links to resources on this page.
Real Estate Inspections For Septic Systems
If you're selling or buying a home, you'll likely be required by the lender or county to have an inspection of your septic system.
We have been involved in countless septic inspections for real estate transactions. We also make it an easy and seamless process.
Real estate generally comes with a tremendous amount of paper work, so we help lessen this burden by acquiring, performing and submitting all necessary forms and permits related to the septic inspection for the property transfer.
Here are some resources pertaining to septic inspections for home buyers, home sellers and lending institutions.
For Home Buyers
When it comes to buying your home, there's a lot to consider. One of the hardest things to really get a grasp on is the septic system. It's usually buried underground and out of sight, which makes it difficult to determine its current functionality.Most sellers generally have this service performed, but for the smart home buyers, they call us to ensure that everything is in working order.
Budgeting for the purchase of a home is hard enough to deal with. Add to that with an unexpected expense or repair that can be in the tens of thousands, is one specific reason why home buyers trust in us. Have your future home's septic system inspected by us to avoid these future costly expenses.
Helpful Tips For Home Buyers
Some real estate agents won't tell you that they use septic system inspectors who are just willing to simply run some water in the sink and call it good. This is beneficial to the home seller as well as the real estate agent because they will end up with nothing interfering in the process of closing.
Unfortunately, as the home buyer, you have no clue as to whether the system was inspected thoroughly to ensure the longevity of the system.
Here's some things you can look for to eliminate this doubt.
Is the soil in the yard disturbed?
A Missouri state septic inspection requires that the entire top of the tank as well as the inlet and outlet pipes be fully uncovered. This state requirement is in place to be able to identify any signs of required repair or leaks. You should see approximately 40 + square feet of disturbed area if it was fully uncovered.
Lawn disturbed after septic inspection If you look in the yard (typically the backyard) and don't find any soil that has been recently disturbed, then this is a strong warning sign that the septic inspection was not performed according to the required laws and regulations. You may feel that having your new home's yard disturbed isn't appealing, but weigh that against having to spend tens of thousands of dollars in the future due to the fact that required repairs were not identified because of a faulty inspection before you purchased it.
Do you see access risers on top of the septic tank area?
In order for a septic system to be up to code in some jurisdictions, one requirement is for access risers to be added to the tank.
Access risers installed on septic tank Both the state of Missouri and some counties, like Stone county require that the tank be made accessible with a minimum of 20 inch manholes in the top of the tank. Access shall be provided over both the inlet and outlet devices and to each tank compartment by means of either a removable cover or a manhole where the top of the tank is located more than eighteen inches (18″) below the finished grade. These are easy to identify. Just look for large diameter (20″ – 30″) lids around the tank area that are flush with the top of your lawn. If you don't find these access risers (manholes), and there is no mention of them in the septic inspection report, then it's yet another sign that your system wasn't inspected according to the laws and regulatory guidelines.
Nobody Inspects The Inspectors!
It's not too difficult to become a licensed septic inspector in the state of Missouri. They offer classes you can attend and then you must simply pass a multiple choice open-book test. However, it's important to know two things. 1) Nobody inspects the inspectors, therefore there's nothing in place to ensure that each septic inspector is truly doing what is required by law. 2) You can be a septic inspector even with zero experience as a septic system installer. This opens up a multitude of vulnerabilities with your system if the inspector doesn't have experience with understanding how certain components can fail or are supposed to function.
Want to make sure the home you're buying has a fully functioning and up to code septic system?
For Home Sellers
So you've sold your home and now it's time to finish up the remaining details. If you live in Stone County, it's likely that you are required to get a septic inspection before the process can be finalized.
We understand that from a homeowner's (seller's) perspective that getting the paper work is all you really care to have done. However, by law and county regulations, there are a few requirements that must be met. (see requirements below)
As a seller there are certain things you should strongly consider when it comes to selling your home. Missouri state and county regulations are in place to prevent soil and contamination issues, but also to ensure that everything is in working order.
Advice & Warnings For Home Sellers
When you select an inspector that doesn't perform the process correctly, you might be held liable if down the road issues with the system are to occur.
Here's some advice on getting your septic system inspected.
Don't let yourself be held liable!
Ask your septic system inspector the following questions no matter who recommends them to you.
- Do you uncover the entire top of the tank and inspect the inlet and outlet pipes?
- What equipment do you use to perform the inspection? Backhoe? Sewer Camera? etc.
- In addition to being a septic system inspector, are you a certified and licensed OWTS (onsite wastewater treatment system) installer?
- Can you make all necessary repairs and improvements to ensure my septic system meets the requirements mandated by law with the state of Missouri?
- Can you provide me with all documentation including copies of paperwork as well as complete photo documentation of the process?
Asking the questions above will help ensure that you, as the home seller, are limiting your future liabilities should something go wrong with the septic system for the new buyer.
Our methods and approach are to perform our inspections methodically and to ensure that each component functions and operates to code. This ensures that your septic system meets all the local governing authority's requirements and laws.
Request an inspection for an honest and fair assessment of your system.
For Lending Institutions
As a lending institution, you may require that the inspection of the septic system be performed prior to transferring ownership.
We will provide this service as well as all state and county related documents. This includes the permits, inspection forms, water samples, etc.
You can expect our inspection to be unbiased and thorough. We have worked with multiple lending institutions and are savvy in this process.
Missouri, Taney & Stone County Requirements To Pass Septic Inspection
Each county in Missouri has their own regulations and requirements for septic inspections. Some are simply to stay in compliance with the state's standards, while others have additional regulations beyond the state's standards.
The following are some septic inspection requirements and regulations for the state of Missouri, Stone County and Taney County.
Missouri's Regulations
A Few Specifics
- Missouri licenses individuals as OWTS (Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems) inspectors for the purpose of real estate transactions.
- New systems must be in operation for at least 6 months before performing an inspection.
The following is a list of procedures and component checks that should be performed during an inspection.
The Requirements
- Excavate to expose entire top of septic tank including the inlet and outlet pipe penetrations.
- Inspect condition of tank, inlet and outlet baffles, tees, risers, lids, etc.
- Determine whether inlet and outlet baffle tees are configured correctly.
- Test tank for water tightness, both for infiltration and exfiltration.
- Measure and record dimensions and volume of tank.
- Measure scum and sludge levels and determine whether tank is in need of pumping.
- Determine whether inlet and outlet baffle tees have accessibility to grade for repairs or replacement.
- Confirm whether all plumbing fixtures in dwelling(s) are connected to tank.
- Perform hydraulic load test on disposal/treatment field and inspect for malfunctions such as blockage or surfacing of effluent.
- Measure and record all component setbacks in relationship to property lines, wells, streams, etc.
- Provide sketch of system components, setback measurements and property dimensions.
Stone & Taney County's Regulations
Both Stone and Taney County adhere to the state regulations regarding septic system inspections.
However, Stone County in Missouri has adopted a special ordinance requiring a septic inspection (in some instances) as part of the process of obtaining a property transfer certificate.
No real estate transactions can be closed upon without this certificate. We make the process easy by handling all elements of applications, paperwork and certificates for our clients.
Benefits Of Our Services As Septic Inspectors In Branson
Whether you're buying or selling real estate or just need an issue with your system evaluated, our goal is to ensure that each system meets all regulations and operates to code.
Some benefits of our services include…
- In addition to being inspectors, we are also licensed installers. As installers we have the knowledge to easily identify areas that are prone to failure or need repaired.
- We provide all necessary services including the reports, water samples, property sketch and forms submission.
- We perform our work thoroughly to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
- We can offer everything from the components that are required to the machinery (backhoe) necessary to uncover the tank.
- We take an unbiased approach as to not favor the buyer nor the seller.
Whether you're buying, selling or just want to make sure your system is functioning correctly, you can trust in our services.
We offer the option of additional detailed inspection of portions of your system that are not a state septic inspection requirement, but are crucial to the functionality and performance of your system.
Contact us as your professional septic inspectors in Branson.
Call or Request Inspection!